Where is my water meter?
This is becoming an increasing problem due to the Associations meters being read by AMR equipment where the readings are transmitted to mobile collectors without having to open the meter box. Dirt and vegetation covers the meter lid and the exact location is forgotten.
Without a metal detector to locate the cast iron meter box comes down to probing and digging. The Association is in the process of collecting precise GPS co-‐ordinances that can be used with mapping programs such as Google Earth or ESRI to pinpoint the location. This information will be made available upon request, however, it is recommended that each Member take the initiative to know where their meter box is located and keep it visible to prevent unnecessary fees for a service call.
“Most” of the Associations meters are located in a 19-‐inch oval shaped cast iron meter box just off the road right-‐of-‐way. A screw driver or small pry—bar can be used to open the cast iron lid. Member will assume all responsibility for any damages or injuries is the use of the Associations facilities.
How to read your water meter.
The Association’s meters measures water in U.S. gallons by a totalizer (like an odometer) on the face of the meter register (under the register lid – see picture).
For ¾ and 1-‐inch meters -‐ the number the meter’s needle points to on the register represents the painted zero on the right side of the totalizer. Every number around the register the needle points to represents one gallon with a full revolution of the needle being 10 gallons. Every mark between each number around the register represents 1/10th of one gallon.
Water usage is determined by subtracting a previous reading from the present reading for a specific period of time.
How to turn your water service off.
The Association strongly recommends that the Member install a cut off valve on their side of the meter box, however, the valve in the meter box may be used by the Member or plumber at their own risk.
The valve is located on the meter yoke on the inlet side of the meter (usually closest to the road). The water is turned off by placing a curb wrench or other tool such as an adjustable wrench on the yoke valve (arrow on top) and turning it clock wise until the locking ears are aligned.
To turn water on, reverse the operation (counter clock wise) “slowly” until the arrow is pointing toward the meter. A partially opened valve does not decrease static water pressure but will restrict the rate of flow.
Where Member’s service line is connected to the meter.
The Association uses yoke risers to make the meter more accessible. Member’s service line connection is made approximately 10-‐inches below the water meter into a female iron pipe thread tail piece which serves as a union. (See picture)
This is the point where the Members responsibility begins. To make a connection or repair, the meter box should be removed and care take to prevent crimping the Associations copper service line on the inlet side or pulling the meter yoke off.
Suggestions to Member regarding plumbing matters.
It is recommended that members with an excessively long service line, greatly increased elevation, or need for higher volume should increase the size of their water service line accordingly.
If Member connects irrigation systems to their service line from the meter to the dwelling, the Member should install backflow prevention to prevent a cross-‐connection.